When we started working to create the identity of Gift Your Organ, our approach was to build a symbol that would reflect what this foundation has set out to do – “Gift Life”! And what got created as a visual symbol was a beautiful icon that truly identified our purpose of saving lives.

It is this symbol that helped us get started and built a line of communication between us and you. All the interactions with you helped us learn on how you perceive what you see…and one of the primary message that we got was our “Life” symbol was confusing you on the name of the foundation – Gift Your Organ.
We definitely did not want to create dual identity and confuse you with the two words …. therefore the first step that we took to strengthen our foundation was to take a renewed step towards our symbol.
We set about to create a symbol that will reflect who we are – a young, fresh, strong, focused and determined foundation that will always be clear of its vision. The vision of - There will be no deaths in India due to shortage of organ donors.
Gift Your Organ foundation is built on core values of hard work, human sensitivity, honesty, transparent communication and pride. It was important for the symbol reflect all of this and yet be clear. And so the renewed symbol of Gift Your Organ.
This symbol speaks of the pride associated with a cause like “Organ Donation”. It’s clear message of ‘Gift Your Organ…I have’ makes a loud and clear statement to the world. The visual design is absolutely new age, appeals to Gen Y(ou). It’s young in spirit yet mature in its sense of purpose and responsibilities. It reflects this generation that is serious about caring for one another in order to keep hope alive and making the world a better place.
The green heart in this symbol was a very conscious decision. We wanted to bring in a clear differentiation to our identity and know that this green heart will help to do just that! The green heart symbolizes the source of eternal hope and courage that makes impossible possible. It reminds us that the future is always bright.
The green and black colors of the logo represent hope and purpose. While green is the sign of moving ahead with purpose and is also the international color for organ donation, black represents a business-like drive to achieve what we have set out to do.
Thank You
All of you have been a very significant part in us making this change and Gift Your Organ Foundation thanks you for this! Your enthusiasm and true care for the foundation tells us that we are on the right path!
And then there are some special Thank You(s) too…
Joy Ghoshal – You helped give an essence and shape to who this foundation is….and this initiation became a critical part to Gift Your Organ growing. Thank You Joy!
Manoj Choudhury – You became the visualizer of our identity. Thank You Manoj!